Tuesday, January 22, 2013

The Ten Best Swing Tips

By now, you've probably heard every tip in the book, right? I know I have, and I'm even guilty of repeating myself a few times! Fact is, some tips deserve to be repeated because they work, they're easy to understand and they, hopefully, lend lasting improvements. In this article, I've taken 10 of my favorite tips through the years and assembled what I think are a handful of tips that most likely, you've never tried. Some old, some new, all good for your game!


If you're struggling with coming in too steep to the ball when swinging a driver (which usually causes sky balls and scuffs on the top edge of the club), try this simple drill. Granted, it works best in the early morning when the grass is still wet, but that's not essential. The key is to set the club down about two feet or so on your natural arc path. For me, that's slightly to the inside. Once you set the club down, I want you to keep it there and sweep as much dew off the ground as possible, throw that water toward the fairway and finish with the hands high.

This will do two things for you. It'll teach you to extend the arms, and also force you to keep your weight behind the golf ball. Do it five to six times before the next time you tee off. I bet you'll see immediate results!