We all want to to be able to relax and find what we imagine to be some zen-like state where we feel calm and peaceful. Our daily lives keep our mind working on over-time, and it can certainly take its toll on us, both mentally and physically. I had heard so many people talk about the amazing benefits of mediation, so I decided that it only made sense that I should be meditating, too. Unfortunately, after several failed attempts at embracing a meditation practice, I had pretty much given up. It seemed more of a chore to me than a relaxation technique. I had to find a quiet place, stop what I was doing, filter out distractions. Was I sitting the right way? Was I doing it right? What was supposed to happen? This all seemed too difficult for me, so I conveniently became forgetful and stopped even trying.
After a while, I had pretty much dismissed the idea of mediation and continued on with my life. Because I do a lot of writing, I have developed some techniques that help get me in my “writing place” before beginning to write. Well, as I sat in the stillness and prepared myself to start writing, I realized something. I was meditating! How did this happen? I was just winging it, and it felt so good! Amazed, I decided to figure out what exactly I was doing, and how I was bringing myself into this peaceful state that I had discovered myself in. So today, I want to share some of the tips I have discovered that may help you calm your mind. If you let yourself, you might find yourself meditating by accident, too!
1. Use falling asleep as your springboard.