Friday, March 22, 2013

The Advantages of a Meditative Space in the Workplace

If you're a business owner looking for ways to offer nonmonetary benefits to your employees, providing a meditation space may be an appropriate option. A meditation space is a dedicated area, typically an enclosed room, where employees can temporarily escape from work pressures during breaks or before starting their work shift. Although meditative space in the workplace isn't a common employee benefit in Western countries, it may offer a number of advantages.

Reduced Employee Stress

    Meditation may help reduce your employees' stress. Offering a dedicated meditation space may encourage employees to proactively manage stress caused by tight deadlines, interactions with co-workers and customers, and long work hours. This may help employees improve focus and productivity and can aid in minimizing tension in your workplace.

Low-Cost Benefit

    Employers in competitive markets commonly struggle to find benefits to offer employees without dramatically increasing business costs. Traditional benefits, such as matching retirement-plan contributions and health insurance, may attract talented employees but substantially increase expenses. Providing a meditative space serves as an attractive addition to your company's benefits package but costs your company little aside from the initial cost of decorations, meditation mats and pillows.

Decreased Absenteeism

    The potential for decreased stress offered by frequent meditation may help improve the body's ability to resist illness and disease, which may translate to decreased absenteeism in your workplace. It may also reduce missed work days triggered by tension and a negative work environment. A reduction in absenteeism may help your team maintain productivity, meet production deadlines and improve overall morale.

Reduced Turnover