Wednesday, January 22, 2014

How One Zen like Man Changed my Life – And Can Change Yours Too

Can you remember that one major thing you did that transformed your work and ultimately your life?

When you look back on your life, will you remember some of the key people that really made a difference to you?

In our lives we often make decisions that can radically change your life forever.

We also meet people who somehow make a much bigger impact on our life than they even realize.

In these days of social media, it is possible to have such life changing encounters with someone on the other side of the world, whom you may never meet in person.

Today I would like to share one such encounter and why it made such an impact on me.

And if you are a blogger, I would also like you to consider joining me at a very special virtual Bootcamp, starting this Sunday – “How to Make Your Blog Pay the Bills”

Regular readers will know that I have been blogging now for over 3 years, though I have only treated my blog as a serious venture in the last 8 months or so.

During recent months, my subscriber numbers have shot up to more than 1,000 and I have created a wonderful community of people around my blog.

My blog and my writing style was dramatically transformed last August after I took part in a Blogging Bootcamp run by Leo Babauta and Mary Jaksch, both of whom I now consider to be friends.

If you haven’t heard of Leo Babauta, where have you been?!

Leo is a world leading blogger whose blog Zen Habits now has over 170,000 subscribers and is transforming the world with his message of simple productivity.